With the steady exploitation of natural resources, the economic crisis and fast pollution, green energy becomes more important by the minute. The eco-friendly way of living is no longer just a cool trend; it is the future, and countries invest millions of dollars each year to develop this new industry. The best way to keep track of the latest innovations and smart green technologies is to attend the largest trade fairs for renewable energy. There, you can find investors for your startups, acquire valuable knowledge from the most renowned professionals in the sphere, and learn how the world is changing. Here, we will discuss the latest trends and innovations and mention some of the most influential and beneficial trade fairs you should visit.
What Are the Renewable Energy Sources?
Before we look at the newest trends, we need to clear the air and explain which renewable energy sources are currently used around the world.
- Hydropower - This source of energy has been used for centuries and is the most developed of all. Dams, barriers and water wheels are used all around the globe. Hydropower depends exclusively on climate conditions. If the winter were to be cold, the dams would be full in Spring. If there are heavy rains, the water wheel will generate more power. Ocean tides also create a large amount of energy collected twice a day at specialised plants.
- Wind energy - Wind is a very preferable energy source, especially for countries like the Netherlands or the UK, where the geographical and climate conditions allow it. The electricity is produced by enormous turbines that drive up high voltage generators.
- Solar energy - The Sun is the largest power source we can use. The amount of energy that reaches the Earth in one hour is enough to satisfy the global need for power. However, the change of seasons, the rotation of the planet around its axes, the geographical location and weather conditions have a major role in our actual capability of collecting and utilising that energy.
- Bioenergy - This is the conversion of biomass made from organic material into electricity. The best example is cow manure. Thanks to the farming industry, we have inexhaustible resources that can fuel the bioenergetic industry.
- Geothermal energy - This is another power source people are aware of and have been using for a long time. The heat hidden in the core of the planet can be harvested and used. Think about territories, like Iceland, where geothermal plants generate more than ¼ of the energy used in the country.
What Is The Current Global Situation?
In the last year, solar energy production has spiked. Specialists say that by 2024, the Sun will be accountable for 70% of all green energy. Thanks to the strict policies of the leading countries, almost 33% of all used energy is created by alternative “clean” sources.
Here are some recent stats to back up these claims:
- In Australia, the National Electricity Market showed that on Nov. 6, renewable energy reached a milestone — powering 50 % of the country’s main electricity grid: 24% from rooftop solar panels, 16% from wind power, 9% from large solar plants, and 2% from hydropower.
- By the end of 2023, 85% of Canada’s electricity will be produced from not-emitting sources.
- Malaysia had an ambitious plan that is now a reality. The country increased green energy production from 2% in 2018 to 25% in 2023.
The goal all countries have in mind is to secure clean electricity sources and get to net-zero emissions by 2050.
Green Energy Trends in 2023
The need for stable renewable energy sources is growing, and the business is constantly exploring new opportunities. From lowering the CO2 emissions to completely transforming the way we look at energy sources, here are the top trends in the sector for 2023.
The Energy Crisis Is Still Going Strong
Over 50 countries are now in danger of bankruptcy due to inflation, the energy crisis, and rising interest rates unless industrialised countries step in immediately to help. The capacity to pay for energy will probably disappear for some 75 million people who just got access to it. There is a chance that 100 million people will resume using traditional biomass for cooking. By 2030, 670 million people will still lack access to electricity, an increase of 10 million from the previous forecast.
Significantly Reducing the Number of Coal Plants
While we may be far from closing all coal mines, and fossil fuels are still the most used power source, there are strong indications this will change. Countries are implementing strict regulations and evolving to suppress their CO2 imprint. Specialists forecast that total capacity growth worldwide of renewable power will double in the next five years and overtake coal as the largest source of electricity generation by early 2025 globally.
Solar Energy Is the Future
Solar energy is advancing and has the most significant growth among renewable energy sources. Countries invest vast amounts of money in funding large-scale solar plants and creating a positive environment for small private grids. Solar panels are easy to access and install, and many governments offer different benefits and lower taxes for the citizens who decide to power their homes using the Sun.
Developing Offshore Wind Projects
Offshore wind farms alone have the potential to meet our energy needs completely. That is why more and more companies start to invest, buy properties and develop wind plantations. To increase the capacity of offshore wind, governments all over the world are setting lofty goals. For instance, the UK government has promised to double the country's installed capacity to 50GW by 2030. Since most of the potential for new offshore wind is found in water depths too deep for conventional fixed-bottom wind turbines to operate, floating technology is needed to access these submerged locations. You can regularly spot companies at green energy trade fairs offering innovative technical solutions, luring investors with relatively small costs and potentially large return rates.
The Newest Project: The North Sea Energy Islands
The North Sea will be the centre for constructing "energy islands," which will serve as hubs for producing renewable energy due to the concentration of resources and the level of collaboration between EU member states. These ground-breaking pieces of land concentrate the production of renewable energy on a natural or artificial island, and they use multipurpose interconnectors to send electricity to the grids of connected nations via high-voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea cables. Energy islands will allow offshore wind farms to transmit electricity more effectively. Enhancing the integration of energy generation from offshore sources with the power systems of connected countries will assist the sector's quick expansion.
The Largest Trade Fairs for Renewable Energy in the World
Many countries take part in the battle to find the best green solutions. Here, we will mention the top three trade fairs that reflect these efforts.
Renewable Energy India Expo
Renewable Energy India Expo is one of Asia's most influential trade fairs for green energy. The show attracts more than 700 exhibitors and 40,000+ visitors. The 3-day event allows professionals and guests from all industries to meet and catch up on the latest trends, participate in various workshops and seminars and create strong partnerships. The expo focuses on essential topics such as the future of renewable energy, new technologies and their implementation. Solar energy is one of India's most widely spread green sources. As such, it is the central theme in most conferences and lectures.
Green Architecture and Construction Materials Expo, Shanghai
The Shanghai International Green Architecture and Construction Materials Expo or ESBUILD is dedicated to showcasing innovative energy-saving materials and technologies. The show focuses on smart building solutions, like BMS systems and ways to transform the current construction industry into more "green". It is not only one of the most important gatherings in Asia, but it also has a huge international impact, with over 1,000 exhibitors and 80,000+ visitors from all corners of the world.
Intersolar Europe, München
Intersolar Europe is the world's leading expo for solar energy. Thousands of exhibitors and visitors gather at the Messe München exhibition centre each year to participate in this 3-day event. The main topics discussed through the various conferences and meetings include photovoltaics, solar power plants, solar thermal technologies and different innovations in the sphere of renewable energy. Founded almost 30 years ago, Intersolar Europe is one of the most important platforms where professionals from the solar energy industry meet and exchange ideas and know-how.
Suppose you want to learn more about the global green energy trade fairs. In that case, you can check our list containing the biggest international expos dedicated to this industry.
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