Hotel Services and Amenities – What do Business Travellers Look for?

Travelling for business is no longer the exhausting task it once used to be. As road warriors’ requirements are becoming more sophisticated, airlines and hotels are going out of their way to provide the best conditions so their corporate clients feel at ease to complete their tasks and enjoy the trip in the process. It’s no wonder – according to the Global Business Travel Association’s annual travel forecast in 2016, companies around the globe will spend 6.9% more on business travel compared to 2015 (with estimated $1.25 trillion corporate travel costs). The forecast also shows similar growth rates in the next five years, which means decision makers will be willing to go far to reach success. Quite literally.

With the hospitality world eager to meet their needs, and surrounded by intelligent personalised services, smart travellers don't forget they have multiple choices and factors to consider when they plan a trip. Surely, room rate and location occupy the top spots but comfort and productivity on the road are not underestimated either.

Ultimately, what do business travellers expect when staying in a hotel? Safety and cleanliness are a must, and from then on…

Connection. Free high-speed WiFi connection

Hotel Services and Amenities – What do Business Travellers Look for?

Connectivity has become a must, and not only during a corporate trip. Leisure guests also consider free WiFi an essential room feature. This is why it is surprising that not all hotels provide it free of charge. Some hotels offer in-room WiFi connection for a fee, other make the complimentary WiFi a part of their loyalty programs, restrict it to the lobby or the business centre, or don’t offer it at all. If you read hotel reviews before booking a room, you know that many business travellers complain about the speed or the reliability of the WiFi they paid for.

Good news thought - the situation is about to change, as demonstrated by chains and independent hotels alike. The first Virgin Hotel promises uninhibited WiFi and adds “Bandwidth is a right, not a revenue stream”. Sooner or later this concept will be universal. Until then you could use your smartphone to get internet access on other devices.

Comfortable work area

Hotel Services and Amenities – What do Business Travellers Look for?

Unlike WiFi, the work desk used to be a given. However, this is no longer the case. Millennials are travelling (and spending) on business more than the older generation, which – along with the fact that they will soon form nearly half of the workforce – makes them the ones setting the trends. Many millennials don’t feel the need to use a desk when they can get the job done on their mobile devices while sitting on the sofa or lying in bed.

Will the desk become obsolete? Perhaps one day. Right now, although some hotels started to exclude it from the interior, a significant part of the business travellers still values its convenience. And they have a point, after all it is better for the posture.

At the same time, enough electric outlets in the work area are widely appreciated by everyone, especially if they are easily accessible.

Complimentary breakfast

Hotel Services and Amenities – What do Business Travellers Look for?

A famous Josh Billings’ quote says: "Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first.". To busy travellers, breakfast is the most important – and occasionally the only – meal of the day. Business trips in general involve corporate lunches and dinners as well, but

  1. they are all about building relationships and making an impression, which requires the energy and awareness fuelled by a good breakfast.

  2. they are optional, depending on the company and exact purpose of the trip. Trade fair participants, for example, are sometimes confined to the exhibition site all day, with limited time and dining options at hand.

A sufficient complimentary breakfast is among the top requirements of business guests. And even if the hotel management has chosen to apply charges, many companies are still willing to pay extra in order to save some of their representatives’ valuable time.

Free shuttle service

It goes without saying that a free shuttle service is always appreciated by our customers – especially if it connects the hotel to the airport and the expo centre. Keep in mind that some hotels offer a free shuttle for certain events only, usually those gathering the larger audience. Confirm the service specifics in advance to avoid disappointment.

Take a moment to think about the hotel features you value most before booking your next business accommodation. What are the ones you would always insist upon? Is there a service or amenity you are ready to give up, if everything else is according to your wishes?

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