Something big is about to happen in the food industry that you should know about. Of course, we are talking about Anuga 2021. The largest food trade fair in Europe is coming back this October, for a whole 4 days between the 9th and the 13th. It is a long-awaited breath of fresh air after the last two years of fear and lockdowns. The food industry needs a boost, and Anuga is the perfect place for doing business, networking, presentation of new concepts and food-tech innovations. Keep reading to see what to expect from this year’s edition.
Exhibition Profile
Let’s check out some statistics about Anuga from the past years that will show you how important the expo actually is:
- Anuga is held at Messegelände in Cologne Germany and has a gross exhibitors’ space of 284,000 m².
- The last Anuga hosted 7,972 local and international exhibitors from 107 countries.
- The top 5 exhibiting countries during the 20219 were Italy - 967, Germany - 750, China - 627, Turkey - 318 and Greece - 295.
- The past edition attracted 169,653 visitors from 201 countries.
- 56% of the foreign visitors came from Europe, 20% from the Middle East and Asia, 16% from North, Central and South America, 6% from Africa and 2% from Australia and Oceania.
- 27% of the visitors were entrepreneurs, co-owners or freelancers and 28% were managing directors, board members, department and group heads and team leaders.
- 27% of all visitors worked in management, 18% in sales and 15% were buyers.
Now, are you ready for the many possibilities Anuga 2021 holds? If you are not yet convinced, let’s look at the largest European food trade fair in detail.
The Theme of Anuga 2021
Each Anuga edition has its own theme, and in 2021 it will be “Food Transformations”. The expo will be focused on sustainability, healthy foods, and of course, the main industry trends. To have a stable market and ensure the ethical way of food production, a lot of changes must be made. Since Anuga attracts so many decisions and policymakers it is the perfect stage to discuss these important issues.
Anuga Focuses on the 2021 Food Trends
7 major food trends dominate the industry at the moment. From power foods to sustainable production, they will shape the look of the business sector. So let’s check them out:
Alternative Meat Proteins
Proteins play a crucial part in the growth and proper nutrition of the human body. In recent years due to technological advances and the shift of public opinion towards plant-based proteins, the search for alternatives has started.
More and more consumers seek environmentally friendly and cruelty-free products. The health benefits of replacement foods are also a major purchase driver. Right now, there are 3 types of alternative meat proteins people can choose from:
- Plant-based
- Lab-cultured
- Insects
The goal now is to create lab-grown foods without the need to use any animal cells and losing the nutrition benefits.
Clean Label
Knowing what is in the food is essential for your well-being and that is why clean labelling is so important. It provides you with information about:
- ingredients
- origin
- ethical factors
- ecological factors
People's wish to understand where their food is coming from and how it was produced, created one of the fasted growing trends in the organic food sector. Clear labels provide transparency and transform the everyday consumer into a responsible individual, concerned about how their food habits affect the different socio-economical and environmental factors.
Ethic and cruelty-free production and sustainability are becoming more and more important. Anuga 2021 offers a platform for exhibitors to showcase their clean-label products and concepts.
Convenience & Snacking
Convenience food and snacks are often called food for the soul, and with good reason. Who doesn’t enjoy a fast, tasty treat? However, in recent years people’s preferences have changed significantly and are now drifting from ready-maid meals. The newest trends point towards organic snacks with clean labels and smaller portions focused on different international flavours.
Anuga 2021 will provide the stage for different producers to showcase their newest snacks and promote healthily and nourishing fast meals.
Free from & Health Foods
Health is always a major factor when it comes to food production, and in recent years the Free from products have gained a lot of attention. We are talking about foods that don’t have gluten, sugar, particular animal proteins, etc. but are still tasty and nutritious. These products are not only for people suffering from different conditions and intolerances but are also a preferred source of energy for many who wish to have a healthy lifestyle.
The health food trend has slowly conquered the markets, and Anuga 2021 is the perfect place to check out how far producers are ready to go to please their ever-growing consumers’ audience.
Plant-based Proteins or Foods
Altho we mentioned plant-based proteins as a part of the alternative meat trend, they have a spot on their own due to their enormous popularity. Plant diets and animal product substitutes have been promoted by numerous influencers, health and fitness gurus and medical professionals. It is not only about taking care of your own body. The trend promotes cruelty-free and eco-friendly products and sustainable, clean-label packagings.
Exhibitors and brand representatives at Anuga 2021 will be showcasing the latest innovation in plant protein production as well as the trendiest new foods and snacks.
Superfoods & Ancient Grains
In the past few years, the culinary world had been conquered by superfoods. Ingredients like quinoa, amaranth or teff are no longer reserved only for the rich and famous. The superior nutritional value of superfoods makes them a preferred source of energy for people focused on their health and wellbeing. You probably also have some in your home - think about coconut oil, avocados, almonds and the like.
Anuga 2021 will focus on the fast-growing market of superfoods and offer the consumers a chance to glimpse at the newly developed health foods.
Sustainability Produced or Packaged
Eco-friendly, sustainable packaging is one of the most important factors the modern-day food industry has to keep in mind. The recent ban on single-use plastics in the EU shows how serious are the countries on the Old continent and how important it is to modify the way the global industry works. World leaders can no longer ignore the environmental footprint humanity is leaving on the planet. Thus, serious measurements must be taken. Developing new, recyclable packaging and shifting towards a more green manner of food production is definitely a step in the right direction. Brand representatives, exhibitors, decisions and policymakers will tackle these topics during the many meetings and lectures held at the expo.
In addition, Anuga 2021 focuses on 4 other topics with huge international significance:
Halal Foods
Halal foods take a key place in Anuga 2021, as the demand for them is raising all across the world and especially in West and East Europe. These foods carry a specific seal that signifies they can be consumed by people following the Islamic dietary laws. Since the halal food market is rapidly growing, it is only natural that they would be amongst the main focus points of the expo.
Kosher Foods
The demand for Kosher foods, sought by People following the Jewish dietary laws, is also rising in Europe, North America and Asia. The main kosher categories are snacks, bakery, sauces and seasonings. You will find a large variety of kosher food producers, exhibitors and brand-representative at Anuga 2021, all eager to showcase their produce.
Gourmet and Speciality Foods
Food nowadays is not regarded just as a source of energy, as consumers want to know more about its origin and story. Local cuisines, special dishes and ingredients attract the public eye and people want to know more about the history behind them. Speciality foods and drinks have a top place at Anuga 2021, as the expo helps smaller, local businesses to promote their products and raise awareness for their region.
Private Label
As people’s preferences shift, so is the market. Big international brands are slowly losing position to high-quality private label companies. The consumers actively search for their products as usually private labels offer more innovative concepts, faster distributions and compatible prices. At Anuga 2021, you can taste some of the best private label foods from around the world.
10 Expos in 1 Anuga
Anuga gathers professionals and exhibitors from various culinary branches and provides a platform for all of them. It does that by having 10 different trade fairs under the same umbrella. At Anuga 2021, you will find 10 separate exhibition areas dedicated to different foods and beverages.
Anuga Fine Food
Anuga Fine Food is the largest and most important part of the Anuga trade fair. It gathers specialists, producers and decision-makers from the delicatessen, gourmet and staple food sectors. According to the data from the 2019 edition, over 94% of the exhibitors and 64% of the visitors come from abroad.
Anuga Meat
Anuga Meat gives the opportunity to take a look at the last innovations in all aspects of meat, sausage and poultry. Three are the most important topics discussed during the event - “regionality and traceability of the products”, animal welfare and human health.
Anuga Frozen Food
The frozen food sector takes a huge part of the global food market and is only natural to be properly showcased at Anuga. The Frozen Food expo focuses not only on presenting new products but also on new methods for food preservation and packaging.
Anuga Chilled & Fresh Food
Anuga Chilled & Fresh Food follows the trend of “nutrition to go” - fresh out-of-the-house products, snacks and delicatessen that are both good for your health and will energise you. In addition to the cooling racks that offer different dishes, you can also taste a large variety of beverages.
Anuga Dairy
Anuga Dairy is one of the leading international trade fairs for milk and dairy products. It focuses not only on production, animal welfare and extended shelf-live but also on alternative foods. Soy or lactose-free milk have gained a lot of popularity, and the main goal of the industry is to satisfy the consumers’ needs and tastes.
Anuga Bread & Bakery
Anuga Bread & Bakery provides a platform for producers, suppliers, distributors and the like for establishing strong connections and business partnerships. The bread and bakery industry is evolving, and new trends are pointed towards creating diverse products inspired by different international cuisines.
Anuga Drinks
Anuga Drinks has a huge impact on the international soft drink market. Here you can find the latest innovations in production and packaging, as well as experiencing new tastes and products. A large portion of the event is dedicated to energy drinks and other trend beverages.
Anuga Organic
The organic food trend has been engulfing the food market for years now, as the hunger for organic-certified products is growing. Anuga Organic allows you to try out some of the newest and freshest foods and explore the vegetarian and vegan trends.
Anuga Hot Beverages
Everybody drinks coffee, tea or hot chocolate, and depending on your taste you can find a large variety of exhibitors and hot drinks at Anuga Hot Beverages. You can explore the latest trends in their preparation and presentation, try out new blends and products and enjoy your day.
Anuga Culinary Concepts
Anuga Culinary Concepts focuses on the newest trends in gastronomy, technology and equipment. The event presents a plethora of networking meetups and business lectures, offering its participants a chance to take a glimpse of the latest food innovations.
What to Expect from Anuga 2021
Every Anuga is better than the previous one, so we won’t be lying if we say that we have very high expectations for the 2021 edition. According to the organisers, this year’s expo will bring in over 160 000 visitors from 200+ countries. Anuga has an enormous impact on the food market, as it gathers over 7 500 exhibitors from every sector of the industry. In addition, all of the important people will be there - decision and policymakers, big brand CEOs, investors, inventors and technical specialists. If you prepare adequately, you can expect to establish strong partnerships and hopefully boost your own business interests.
How to Prepare for Anuga 2021
First of all, don’t panic Anuga, altho enormous is just another trade fair. There is nothing special regarding the way you and your team should prepare for this event. There are 13 easy steps that you should follow when attending a trade fair and we will point out the 3 most important ones:
- Train your staff - From simple stamina training to the importance of trade fair marketing and how to capture the attention of your rowdies, your teammates must be properly prepared. Your biggest asset is your employees and if they know what and how to do it, you will surely obtain your business goals.
- Book your accommodation ahead of time - Do not wait until the last minute to find a hotel. Don’t be fooled, all the good places are already booked. Use the services of a business accommodation agency to minimise the time you spend on searching and renting. These companies often have an intricate network of hotel connections and can offer you deals and travel perks.
- Get to know the layout of the expo - Make sure to carefully examine the exhibition grounds before attending the trade fair. If you are going as a visitor, it will help you navigate your way around the different shows and save time from aimlessly wandering around. If you are going to place your own stand, the knowledge of who your neighbouring exhibitors are and where is your display boot located can help you determine the winning strategy when engaging your audience.
So are you ready to pack your bags and head up to Cologne this October for Anuga 2021?
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