Trade Fair Trends: Overview of 2022

Despite the recent decline in trade shows, experts from all areas of the event industry are assertive about the necessity of trade shows in the modern world. But why are trade exhibitions still essential now that everything is digital? Expos are an integral component of the job for event marketers. They offer plenty of chances for face-to-face interaction between brands and customers in a strenuous setting. Trade exhibitions allow businesses to promote their newest goods and services to a target market that is actively looking for them.

Nowadays, the transformation brought about by virtual streaming in the events sector altered how we see trade exhibitions. Some people even think that the most recent trend can take the place of actual encounters. Will trade shows revert to their previous forms, or will virtual trade exhibits surpass the prior ones? Some event experts argue that virtual events won't work as a natural replacement or extension for trade shows. We looked at how trade fairs are changing and gathered information on the most recent trends that business people are incorporating into their strategies for 2022 and beyond.

Staff Shortages Pose a Serious Problem

Workers are looking for fulfilling careers and places of employment that value their time, effort, and contributions. While there are staffing issues in various sectors, the labour shortage is most acute in the leisure and hospitality sectors. As of the end of September 2021, when data was last compiled, over one in ten industrial positions were unfilled, according to Statista. This translates to a staggering 1.59 million open positions.

As a result, trade fairs and conference employment was heavily impacted by the labour shortage in the hospitality and events sector. Experts say that this trend will last as employee expectations rise. The big paycheck is no longer the most important thing for people as they are searching for low-stress jobs that allow them to spend more time outside the office.

Virtual and Hybrid Events Are Still a Thing

In response to the pandemic, several trade show events adopted a hybrid format, and this trend will persist given their widespread acceptance and profitability. According to research by the Event Outlook Report, hybrid events, which offer a balance between in-person and online trade fair experiences, are rapidly expanding in 97% of the event markets. Instead of using traditional banners, logos, and signs that typically inundate audiences with advertising materials, creating a hybrid experience allows exhibitors to be more inventive. As an alternative to promoting and marketing your products to a global audience, consider including new branding features like a 3D virtual lobby and virtual hallway.

In-Person Trade Fairs Are Making a Comeback

In the current atmosphere, consumers can be more selective about the trade exhibitions they wish to attend than ever before. Businesses must understand why guests care more about spending their time meaningfully and the perks they get out of the trade show. Finding the proper balance between connection and professionalism is crucial to give visitors a more customised experience. According to Brendan Brown, vice president of strategy at event production company George P. Johnson Experience Marketing, companies must focus their efforts on their trade fair goals to lure a bigger audience. It is essential to remember that the need and desire for face-to-face connection haven't altered.

In-Person Trade Fairs

The relevance of face-to-face marketing has never been higher. We have all learned from this pandemic that in-person gatherings are still necessary today. They enable you to establish relationships with both potential and current clients through excellent communication. Additionally, trade exhibitions allow you to network with potential clients you might not have otherwise met.

Innovations in All Sectors

There is a significant increase in the usage of new, advanced technologies at seminars and trade exhibitions that help companies to engage their in-person and online audiences. Virtual reality (VR) and other innovative technologies can be used successfully at conferences and expos to paint a better and fuller industry picture. For instance, some event organisers are adopting VR headgear to provide a more visually compelling experience that gives attendees a window into many worlds, rather than spending money on a stage and a sound reinforcement system.

AI Is Becoming More Dependable

People typically gravitate toward things that suit their needs and interests. Therefore, exhibitors must research and invest in the guests' preferences and desires to provide them with the best trade fair experience possible. AI can support the distribution of relevant content to the appropriate audience by using attendees' social media likes, interests, and buyer personas.

The use of chatbots and digital translation is one example of AI integration. By analysing the user's comments, the chatbot will assist attendees in finding pertinent information. The voice translations also allow visitors to listen to your trade fair content in their native language.

Innovative Booth Designs

Events will continue to be significantly impacted by the size and type of video screen technology utilised to draw attendees' attention. For instance, the modular beMatrix LEDskin system used in conference LED walls and trade fair booths offers countless options for shapes and layouts. LEDskin tiles have a variety of innovative applications, such as 360-degree video walls and wraparound inner and outer LED corners.

Innovative Booth Designs

Additionally, LED Cubes are also a great solution. Three distinct, state-of-the-art, immersive LED video walls called LED Cubes work independently to produce an immersive LED video wall experience. LED Cubes may dramatically draw attention to your booth and make it the centre of interest on a trade show floor or at an event.

New Ways to Reach Your Audience

Live-streaming, digital innovation, and production have significantly increased their popularity. The benefit of this is the chance to now connect with participants who are located all over the world but are unable to attend, greatly expanding the brand's reach and recognition. Live-streaming offers real-time contact and engagement for a premium audience experience and is emerging as the industry's future for trade shows.

Safety Is a Priority

If visitors and exhibitors are attending live events, their primary priority will be safety. The most recent study from Northstar Meetings Group indicates that 73% of event organisers anticipate mandating safety precautions like mask use and enforced social seclusion for guests.

Given that different cities are currently imposing various, unique rules, it is not surprising that expo organisers still have restrictions when it comes to limiting the transmission of the virus. The most frequent requirements to enter the show floor include Covid-19 immunisation proof, mask requirements, and negative test results. The good news is that there are numerous possibilities for quick testing, and some trade shows even provide the tests to participants to make the process as simple as possible for everyone involved.

It is not easy to stay on track with the latest trends in the trade fair sector, as they are constantly evolving. However, following the basic rules should give you enough friction to propel your brand ahead of your competition. Make your business stand out from the rest, invest in your booth design and plan your travel and accommodation appropriately. We at Fair Point GmbH can help you with the latter, so your company can make a powerful and unique comeback in the trade show arena.

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