The International Green Week: The Most Anticipated European Trade Expo in January 2023

The International Green Week: The Most Anticipated European Trade Expo in January 2023

The year is almost over, and the holiday season is upon us. It is time for businesses to do their annual recap and evaluate their success. But it is also time to start planning for the upcoming year. Business travel takes a large portion of the company budget, and trade fairs are amongst the best solutions for generating leads, finding investors and meeting up with potential partners. With that in mind, let us introduce you to the most anticipated European expo - International Green Week. If you work in the field or are interested in agriculture, sustainable and ethical farming and food production, this is one trade fair, you simply must include in your business event calendar.

Why Attend The International Green Week?

Founded almost a century ago, International Green Week is one of the most popular events in Germany and on the Old continent. The 2023 edition of the trade show is expected to be as spectacular as ever. Over 400 000 visitors from all around the globe have confirmed their participation. In addition, more than 1800 exhibitors from 70 countries will present their products and services. As the leading food, gardening, and agriculture trade fair in Europe, International Green Week will offer its attendants a variety of supporting events and activities like symposiums, forums, demonstrations, contact areas and more. The event will be held at the Messe Berlin from the 20th to the 29th of January. So you have plenty of time to plan your business trip and get your pass.

International Green Week

Main Topics of the Trade Show

International Green Week is a massive event that gathers thousands of visitors and exhibitors, and it is only natural to have multiple areas and focus points. Here is what you can expect from the 2023 edition of the expo.

German Regions

In this section of the trade fair, professional visitors can familiarise themselves with agricultural products and foods from 13 German federal states: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, and Thuringia. From traditional to gourmet - you can find everything. But that is not all. The expo also focuses on smaller companies and successful start-ups. So if you are searching for a reputable local supplier, it is worth going around the German region area.

World Tour

The international section of the trade fair allows you to meet exhibitors from all over the globe. Since its founding in 1926, the exhibition has welcomed brands and companies from over 130 countries. You can participate in degustations and various presentations, network and create profitable business partnerships, and overall have a great time in a friendly multicultural environment.

Greener Life

The Organic hall was a hit when it was introduced 20 years ago. Here the main topic that unites exhibitors and visitors is a sustainable, eco-friendly way of living. You will discover the latest innovations in farming and agriculture, biodegradable packaging, a healthy lifestyle, and more. Some of the discussed themes will also include Energy-saving and recycling.

Rural Diversity

The largest hall of the Berlin exhibition centre will gather exhibitors, lectures, decision and policymakers, and specialists from the segments "Rural Development", "Renewable Resources", "Multitalent Wood", "Forest, Game, Hunting, and Nature ", "Volunteering" and "Bioeconomy". The main themes discussed and showcased in this area of the trade show include rural development, climate protection, renewable raw materials, sustainable forestry, and more.

Flower Hall

The Flower Hall is the most visited area of International Green Week. Every year the crowds gather to admire the beauty of nature and emerge themselves in a symphony of colour and aroma. The sector offers a large variety of different exotic and spring flowers as well as multiple activities. If you are interested in plant cultivation, or urban gardening or want to relax for a few hours, the Flower hall is a must.


The Animal sector will be spread out in two halls - 25 and 26, and a real treat for animal lovers of all ages. You can find large cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, alpacas, and practically every farm animal you can think of. There will be a petting zoo and various contact areas, but that is not all. The pets section will include not only cats and dogs but also exotic animals like bearded dragons, snakes, and different types of insects. A special place will be reserved for bees and the art of beekeeping. You need to dedicate at least two to three hours just to those two halls.

Market Hall

The market hall is one of the lasted sections, introduced in 2017. Here you can relax and grab a bite from the many food trucks. You can find all sorts of soul foods and drinks here - from sausages and waffles to Korean street food and burritos. Small producers and local brand will showcase their best creations, challenging your taste buds. The Market hall is the ideal place to end the long day.

Garden, House & Yard

The Garden, House & Yard area is dedicated to transforming your home environment. You can find anything from garden tools, plants, flower bulbs, patio furniture, greenhouse equipment, and much more. Here you will learn how to create your urban garden and optimise the space in your yard. The exhibitors in this section will teach you how to transform your house, making it a much greener place.

Adventure Farm

Organised under the motto “Secure food. Protect nature", the Adventure farm is the section dedicated to demonstrations and important conversations. The focus is on the different methods used in food production and ethical farming, as well as, environmental protection and biodiversity. Companies will showcase their latest findings and innovative technologies. If you want to find out the latest trends in the industry, you must stop by this area of International Green Week.

Special Events

We hope you wear comfortable shoes because there will be a lot to attend during the expo. Some of the additional events you may want to experience in include:

  • Over 300 professional events - congresses and symposiums that discuss the most important topics and challenges that the industry has to overcome.

  • If you are part of a young company the Start-up days event is just for you. Here, you can meet with seasoned professionals, establish business partnerships, find investors and present your products and services. You will also acquire valuable insight from the best of the best in the agricultural and farming sector.

  • Participate in the Regional Star Awards ceremony that honours sustainable regional concepts in the food trade. You will find out which companies succeeded in their goals to become "economically successful", "ecologically sensible" and "socially responsible".

  • If you want to organise your own meeting, you can rent a conference room and invite your future partners or investors. This is a great option for professional visitors, as often trade fairs don’t provide the needed accommodation.

Are you inspired? Do you want to participate in International Green Week? You still have time, so go for it. We advise you to check out our expo visitors guide, which will help you get the most out of this professional event. You can also contact our coordinators, so we can find you the ideal business accommodation - both close to the venue and conveniently priced. Work smarter - not harder. This way, you can enjoy all of the small pleasures in life.

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