Automechanica Shanghai to Celebrate 15th Anniversary in 2019

Automechanika Shanghai – Asia’s largest international trade fair for the automotive industry – is about to hit an important landmark.

Having first launched in 2004 as a spin-off from Automechanika Frankfurt, the event quickly proved itself as the most popular one for the sector in the region. Its 2018 edition brought together more than 130,000 trade visitors from 140 countries, including almost 200 VIPs, such as industry leaders and major partners, as well as thousands of exhibitors that presented hundreds of products.

After breaking multiple records with their last edition, the organizers of the expo are preparing to do it all over again in 2019, with solid plans already in place to make Automechanika Shanghai’s 15th anniversary the biggest show in the event’s history. For the first time, a new hall will be added to the show floor, bringing its total exhibition area up to a stunning 360,000 square meters. Of course, all of that space will be utilized by more than 6300 confirmed exhibitors, including every major car brand on a global scale. In addition, a new area will be added dedicated to car customization for both the private and commercial sector (for example for the racing industry). Visitors are also expected to increase in number, with an estimate of between 140,000 and 150,000 for the next show, but we can only know for sure after the event has concluded.

Automechanika Shanghai 2019 Promotional Event

All of that information was shared during a special promotional kick-off that took place on September 2nd. During the invitation-only event, the roadmap of the 2019 edition was shared with the press and key guests, revealing just how different it’ll be from its predecessors. “At the same time that Automechanika Shanghai was founded, China’s automotive industry also entered a period of rapid development,” shared Cheng Yongshun, Vice President of China National Machinery industry International and the show’s co-organizer. “The development prospects as a whole are exceeding expectations. Thus, the exhibition will see more internationalization and specialization, playing a greater role across future automotive markets both domestically and abroad.”

Automechanika Shanghai 2019 will take place between December 3rd and 6th in the National Exhibition & Convention Center Shanghai.

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